Are you a Savvy member that paid to join the co-op? Did you know that makes you a Co-op Co-owner? Sounds like a big deal, huh? Well, it really IS (give yourself a pat on the back!) and we need to recognize that!
Many professionals use LinkedIn to showcase their skills and expertise as well as to network. Patients and carepartners have very unique expertise: lived experiences with their diagnosis or diagnoses. This expertise needs to be recognized and amplified! What better way to do so than to update the EXPERIENCE section of your LinkedIn profile with your Co-Owner status?! Here’s how:
· Sign in to your LinkedIn profile. (If you don’t have one, you will need to take a few minutes to create a basic profile. Reach out if you need help. We are happy to help!)
· Click on your profile.
· Scroll down to the EXPERIENCE section. Click on the blue plus sign in the top right-hand corner of the EXPERIENCE section to add Savvy Cooperative to your profile.

After you click on the blue plus sign, a form with drop-downs and free text should appear. Fill it out as follows:
Title: Co-op Co-owner
Company: Savvy Cooperative (should appear once typed in, click to select)
Location: Fill in with where ever home is for you since YOU are a co-owner and the co-op is where YOU are. (My location is noted as Greater New York Area).
From: Note the month and year you became a member; approx. month is fine to start.
Check the box for: “I currently work in this role.”
Sample text to add to description field: (feel free to cut & paste from here directly into your profile box or revise as needed!)
I’m a firm believer that partnering with patients and carepartners is the way to transform healthcare. As a Savvy Cooperative co-owner, I’m proud to be a part of a co-op that champions inclusivity, elevates patients insights, and ensures patients are fairly compensated for their contributions, time, and expertise. I’m proud to be the co-owner of a co-op that is also a public benefit company, committed to social good. Go co-ops! #AskPatients
Lastly, make sure that the “Share with Your Network” toggle button is turned ON so your expertise and co-op co-ownership may be shared with the LinkedIn community. Patients and carepartners are SAVVY and the world needs to know it!
Here a sample of what my profile looks like:

The insights and expertise of patients and carepartners have been under-appreciated and under-valued for too long. Let’s work together to amplify our savviness as well as demonstrate our readiness to bring actionable change with those who are ready to partner and collaborate with us!
Grace Cordovano, PhD is a board-certified patient advocate specializing in oncology and a patient experience shaper who blogs at Enlightening Results.

March 15, 2019